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Calculate the average density of the Solar System

Launcher poly Australia
Status Vaulted: Jan 31, 2015 08:56


solar system


The task is to calculate the average density of the Solar System, using the following assumptions. First, find the average distances of the 6 nearest stars to our sun [you can use], and assume the Solar System is a sphere of diameter half this average distance. For binary stars, assume a single object at the average distance.

Find figures for the masses of the Sun, the eight planets, and estimates of other matter of significance (moons, asteroids, Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud objects, comets, interstellar gases). Masses less than 0.01% of the (Sun + planets + moons) may be neglected.

Divide the mass by the volume to get density (in gm per cubic centimetre).

Zomb Results

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The attached analysis, by Alexander Kruchkov, gives a result of about 1.3 x 10^-22 gram/ cubic centimetre, using the assumptions in the original zomb.

The analysis also assumes that the masses of Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud objects are negligible (less than 0.01%) compared to the combined masses of the Sun, the planets, and their moons.

Recent work suggests this may not be true. See: The Cosmic Smog model for solar system formation, and the nature of 'Dark Matter'.

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